Lodge Number 1141

What is Freemasonry?

A short film outlining the fundamental values of what it means to be a Freemason.

March and Darnley

What is Freemasonry?

Archaically, it was “A Peculiar System of Morality, veiled in allegory, illustrated by Symbols.” “Peculiar” in the past meant “Specific”.

An “Allegory” is a metaphor or a parable that in some way reflects an underlying truth or lesson.

“Symbols” are objects on which to ponder lessons of morality – in freemasonry, we use the tools of the Operative mason (Plumb-rules, Squares, Levels, Mallets, Chisels, Pencils etc) – to each of these a brief ethical lesson is established on which freemasons might ponder – many of today’s Speculative masons memorise these lessons of the working tools.

We are not a secret society or you would not be reading this now. In ancient times, before passports, id-cards and the like, the itinerant operative freemasons who were building the great medieval structures across Europe, needed modes of identification that demonstrated their levels of qualification and experience, and hence the salaries and working conditions to which they were entitled.

Those closely-guarded Signs, Words and Grips are figuratively used by today’s Speculative freemasons – these are the only “Masonic secrets” and most of them are open knowledge in the world today. We impart those symbolic secrets as masons progress through the three “Craft” degrees which are stories or dramas through which the underlying lessons in each Degree are taught.

How does Freemasonry work?

We all operate under the general Masonic principles of “Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth”..…

Further information: https://sussexmasons.org.uk/about-freemasonry

Supporting Charity

Freemasonry has an enviable record of providing regular and consistent financial support to individual charities over long periods, while at the same time making thousands of grants to local charities and projects throughout England and Wales each year.

Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to be a Freemason to benefit from Masonic charity. Freemasonry is second only to the National Lottery in the level of money donated to charitable causes in the UK.

Please contact our Provincial Grand Charity Steward if you know of a good cause in Sussex that would benefit from receiving financial assistance.

Also see our Masonic Charities links page for more information on Masonic charity organisations.

Sussex Lodges and Chapters throughout the Province donate to a central fund and Lodges and Chapters then nominate local charities which they would like to see benefit from this fund.

What are Masons doing in Sussex, browse through “The Sussex Deacon” The Magazine of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex.

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The Secretary will contact you once and will not keep your personal data beyond this point. Please check your email spam folder if you have not received our communication within one working week from your enquiry or please resend your enquiry.